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Vintage Computer Festival Europa
  News VCF 24(e) Agenda VCFe Live Exhibition Speeches Fleamarket Give Away Nerd Trivia Challenge Participate Registration Travel Directions Lodging What Else ? Past Glory VCF Survey VCFe-Shop FAQ Links Contact Page Navigation

The 25th annual European Vintage Computer Festival on 3./4. Mai 2025 awaits you!

Our mission is to encourage the preservation of obsolete computer hard- and software of years past, to promote interest in researching and documenting the history of the computer age ... and to have fun playing with old iron.

The Vintage Computer Festival is not only a fixed entry in the Silicon Valley timetable, but it has also become a European event, celebrating our computer heritage.

Let us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when geeks were geeks and floppies were really floppy.

Special Focus Every year the VCFe is themed on a special focus. This year's focus is:
50 Years 6502

50 years ago, in 1975, the 6502 was introduced at a price more than 10 times lower than its competition. Many still beloved machiens were created using this new chip.

Until then there's an incredible, new way to experiance the VCFe, or more exact, all the hurdles to set it up, the VCFe game: VCFE - A Weekend among Nerds. The game has been made possible by usage of state of the art game drivers and virtual reality rechnology: unlimited colours and unbeatable sounds projedted directly into the gamers brain by intense use of text (some German required).

Most recent changes:

09.01.25 English Pages Dusted (a bit) for VCFe 24.

Detailed listing of changes at the News page.

Up to date and short term information are also available via our social media pages on Mastodon, Bluesky and Facebook


Dozens of old (but still not obsolete) computers to be viewed and touched. No barrier between you and your dreams... (It may be a good idea to ask the exhibitor before dismantling his system :)


A series of speeches will be given to describe some systems in detail, discuss classic developments from today's perspective or other topics of interest to collectors.

Flea Market

No system will be ever completely debugged, so we are offering space in the hall to vendors to sell and trade historic gear. Anything is allowed - as long as the item is computer related and more than 10 years old.

Peoples Choice Award and Give Away

All visitors are called to vote for their favorite piece of history and unlike a constitutional poll, you may even win great stuff.

Are you ready for the NERD TRIVIA CHALLENGE?

The Nerd Trivia Challenge is your chance to prove just how much of a geek you really are. You're pitted against two other nerds in a game-show style contest of computer history trivia. If you end up the Alpha Geek, you'll walk away with fame (and a great prize). Think you're up to the challenge? Click here for more information.

Where, When and What?

Where Mehrzweckhalle des ESV München Ost
Hermann-Weinhauser-Straße 7
81673 München
When Mai 3rd, 2025 from 1000 to 1830
Mai 4th, 2025 from 1030 to 1700
One person -
- One Day EUR 10,-
- All Days EUR 18,-
Family -
- One Day EUR 18,-
- All Days EUR 28,-

Further Information

These pages are in a process of constant improvement (Is there any static page within the web?), so please stop by and check for updates.

The VCF is an open event and depends on active folks to participate with their own ideas to help develop our mission. Everybody is invited to raise his hand and join the VCF community.

[News] [VCF 24(e)] [VCFe Live] [Exhibition] [Speeches] [Flea Market] [Give Away] [Nerd Trivia Challenge] [Participate] [Registration] [Travel Directions] [Lodging] [What Else ?] [Past Glory] [VCF Survey] [VCFe Shop] [FAQ] [Links] [Contact]

Generated at 3:54 10.1.2025
Last Change 3:54 10.1.2025
Copyright © H.Franke